Ownli ereLet's start with a few facts: Radiation is everywhere. The Sun radiates onto the Earth and some rocks in Earth's crust are radioactive. Many scientists theorize that this radiation was a vital part of our evolution, it caused some of the changes that helped those little one-celled organisms progress into human beings. Not all radiation is safe, of course. Just like hot water makes soup and boiling water makes burns, too much radiation can burn tissue, increase cancer risks and, ultimately, kill you.

Over the past 100 years, we've put more and more radiation into our atmosphere through radios, televisions, Internet and other marvels of technology. These are called electro-magnetic fields (EMF) or electro-magnetic radiation (EMR). Are we slowly killing ourselves? Some researchers believe we are, and the new 5G cell phone technology has them worried.

Real science on this is just beginning, but many people believe specific metals and minerals can block or absorb EMF radiation, providing considerable protection to you and your loved ones. Obviously, no protection system is 100 percent effective and EMF effects do vary from person to person. Is this actually dangerous? Earth has a natural EMF frequency, called "Earth's heartbeat" by some. This natural frequency is similar to the frequency of the human nervous system, which is a very low-power electrical grid. All the radiation we've added to this natural radiation level is like cranking up every radio in the world.

Seriously, think about sound. Silence is rare. Most of us live with a constant, very quiet, background noise. Blasting the radio or hitting the mosh pit is fun for a while, but nobody can handle constant loud noises for long. It's the same with electromagnetic radiation. So, after you finish arguing with your teens about blaring their stereos, protect them from EMF with stylish jewelry from Ownliere.

How, exactly, does it work? Good news, it works like a whole lot of things very familiar to you.

The keyword is attenuation, a scientific term for a gradual loss of power as energy passes through a material. For example, fog attenuates visible light – the water particles in the air scatter the light, so less reaches your eyes and you get totally lost in a parking lot because you can't see your way out. Lead attenuates X-rays by absorbing the energy. Walls attenuate sound waves because wall materials are harder than air but still fairly soft. The walls absorb the sound energy, making them vibrate (unnoticeably to humans) and less energy gets to your ears.

So, how can you attenuate the new and ever-increasing EMF and protect yourself from harm? Well, one easy way would be aluminum foil wallpaper, but you'd have to give up your cell and WiFi service since they won't work inside such a room. Many products can be attached to your computer or phone to absorb the radiation they're putting out, but that doesn't protect you from radiation caused by other, unprotected sources. The best way to defend your health lies in protecting your body itself.

Join us next week for more details on the beautiful jewelry that will help protect you and your family – from Ownliere, the natural alternative for healthy lifestyle choices.


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